No Whining

No Whining

As we approach Memorial Day, I am reminded about those remarkable men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.  I often think about my Dad who served as a medic in General George Patton’s 3rd Infantry Division and marvel.  How did a diminutive man...


Just this week I was interviewed on a podcast by my classmate, Laurel McHargue. Laurel is not only an award-winning author having published 8 books, she also hosts the highly successful podcast, Alligator Preserves (to listen in to our conversation, I have posted the...
Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Problem Solving My daughter, Larisa became a swimmer when she was just 12 years old. She joined a year-round swim team and later went on to compete in college. As a swim Mom, they never tell you how much a parent is required to do to support a swim team. Although...
On Love and Leading

On Love and Leading

You have not heard from me in a few weeks in part, because I elected to have some surgery done on my right foot. The ensuing weeks have involved managing a good amount of pain while trying to work, being unable to drive, and being totally housebound. Initially, I had...

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